Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Porcelain, Glass and an Old Barn- Gympie Road Trip

Last Saturday I drove the back way to Gympie for the opening of "Swamp Cartography".
I love driving through the golden afternoon light, the paddocks flying by, the girls in the back seat chattering about their day and taking mini naps.
We stopped to take photos of this beautiful barn. The crossroads were deserted, all we could hear was the wind in the grass and we were surrounded by the sweet, spicy smell of the afternoon sun on the fields.

For the exhibition we borrowed an old cedar table from a friend and set up a "collectors table" with all our tools and impressions laid out.

The "Swamp Bubbles" looked great in a gallery under real lights


Anna said...

What a great shed!! and so close to the road, they are usually way over the back or have trees between you and the road.
Congratulations on your exhibition setup - much more interesting than white plinths! Those bubbles are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great display Shannon! Awesome barn and I am struck by the green grass, aching for it~ (living in upstate NY)

Dan Proud said...

great blog!

Noela Mills said...

Congrats on the opening of the show. Will be good to see the work first hand, and the bubbles are wonderful!! Off to visit Euan now - I have met him via email xoxoxo

lyn cole said...

congrats on the exhibition- I am so looking forward to it coming to Melbourne, its beautiful