Wednesday, February 21, 2007

We go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong

We go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong
Remembered forever as shoo-bop sha whada whadda yippidy boom da boom
Chang chang changity chang shoo bop that's the way it should be
Waooo Yeah

This is an exerpt from that deeply philosophical musical "Grease". It is a good introduction for things that go together (like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong)
rainy nights and reading in bed
mint and cucumber
cups of tea and cake
.......Mav and Stephanie have a wonderful blog called 3191. They live 3191 miles apart and everyday both take a photo of their morning, for one year these little snippets from their lives will be posted every day.

Here is a pasage from the book I am reading "The Apricot Colonel" by Marion Halligon.
She is a great writer ....
"Desert came. Little glass dishes of rosewater ices. Sweetmeats, fruits, nuts, Turkish delight, on green leaf-shaped platesscattered with rose petals. Sweet wine in tiny glass cups." pp.150

I also think pink and green go together.
Beautiful pots by English ceramicist Joanna Howells.

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