Thursday, October 30, 2008


I had a lovely visit the other day from Sue who owns and curates gallery Pomme on the Mornington Peninsula.

Our house was in more disarray than usual, as soon as Sue pulled up a huge truck full of furniture from my Grandmother (who is moving) arrived. A Genoa lounge, Art Deco table, with matching chairs and sideboard later we sat down with avocado on toast and talked about the beautiful Mornington Peninsula and Sue's plans for Pomme next year.

She has an idea for something exciting so I'll keep you posted. In the mean time have a look at her lovely website.

Pomme features jewellers such as Flick Pope

Contemporary craft artists such as Emma Davies

and ceramicist Sophie Milne

amongst many others.


melissa said...

Wow Shannon, thank goodness for generous grandmothers with taste, the furniture looks amazing, and what a beautiful shop Pomme is...keep up the good blog work, melissa.

Sophie Moran said...

Would that be a Jane Sawyer teapot I see perched on your grandmother's table?

Shannon Garson said...

yes indeed it is! My morning tea has been immeasurably improved since I got it!