Monday, May 15, 2006

stay away from hedges

I've been listening to The Whitalms latest cd "Little Cloud". In a beautiful song at the end of the cd Tim Freedman is singing about returning to Sydney from New York and wandering around the city remembering his friend who committed suicide. Freedman sings "Stay away from edges, and ropes if you can" . Decorating pots and listening to this I've thought for ages he was singing:

"Stay away from Hedges and Boats, if you can."

This strikes me as a good, if slightly surrealistic motto for avoiding the pitfalls of 21st century life. Don't get dragged into the sinister blackhole of the unknown and unknowable - stay away from Hedges........
......and boats if you can.


Patrick said...

For many years, I thought the chorus song "Blinded By The Light" went:

"Blinded by the light.... Wrapped up like a douchebag in the middle of the night." (god knows where a twelve year old boy picks ups the word douchebag....SHANNON!).

To this day, I still have no idea what the real line is. Wrapped up like a what? What rhymes with douchebag???

Shannon Garson said...

Patrick- I never said the word"douchebag " to you until you were at least 13. Actually I think you introduced me to that disgusting word. Or perhaps whoever sings "Blinded by the Light" brought douchebags into our world.
ps no further corrospondence on the word"douchebag" will be entered into.

Patrick said...

I guess it will remain forever a mystery then...